Lightning Fast Uncapped Internet
With revolutionary fibre optic internet now costing even less than the current and old ADSL, your connection speed can be increased by 30% and up to 30x over other technologies such as ADSL, 4G/LTE or even satellite. Zero to ultra-low buffering, perfect for video streaming, uploads and downloads, intensive and high end gaming, Response time is lightning fast…click and you are there, no delay, no ‘going to make coffee while loading,’ instant connection.
Do you want Fibre Internet?
Throw your hat in the ring – We are registering your interests for fibre internet in your area. As usual supply will depend on the demand and to show the demand we need to get the numbers up in your area. Register now and get your friends to do the same so we can get on the real Lightspeed Highway. This is not a contract and as such you will note that no signature is required, we just need to put a marker on the map for you. When the fibre is in your area we will contact you and let you know and you can then decide whether you want it or not.
We will keep you up to date with our news letter